Saturday 28 April 2012

The Normative Functions of The Media

Media plays a very important role in generating awareness among the general public and creating awareness on pertinent issues for the development of a nation. The media is often perceived to be instrumental in shaping a society’s opinion. The famous saying by former  United States of America President, Thomas Jefferson, that if he were to choose between a government without a newspaper and a newspaper without a government, he would not hesitate to choose the latter also points to the perceived power of the media.  Children are part and parcel of our society, as such we also expect to see and hear their voices in the media. Since media has the power to influence the society, the way the media covers children and child hood has an effect on the way children are viewed or perceived in a society. With cases of child abuse seemingly to be on the increase, there is need to ensure that children’s rights are preserved and awareness programmes to protect them are spread. The media plays a crucial role through the way it reports such issues.

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